Plant: After last frost

Cucurbita maxima

25 seeds/pack |  90 days |  Heirloom

Japanese winter squash known as Hokkaido with stunning red skin and deep orange flesh. With a rich flavor the flesh is dry and not stringy. Fruits are relatively small and easy to eat in one meal. Good for baking, soups and roasting. Keeps well. Early to produce and prolific as well. This can easily be direct sown after last frost or started 2-3 weeks in containers before transplant to garden.


Plant: After last frost

Helianthus annus

50 seeds/pack | 80 days 

Enjoy this beautiful sunflower mix from Eel River Produce full of colors ranging from bright to lemon yellows, chocolates and vivid oranges. All plants are multi-branching and keep blooming from mid summer to fall.


Plant: After last frost Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Zinnia elegans

40 seeds/pack   75-90 days

These flowers are stunning. Expect huge blossoms in a wide range of colors for months and months. Pollinators and humans will all flock to your garden. With long stems and long lasting blooms these are perfect for cut flowers.


Plant: After last frost

Tagetes erecta

40 seeds/pack    |   60 days 

These giant African marigolds offer pest protection in the garden as well as beauty. With blossoms ranging from golden to yellow they will continue to bloom for several months. Use the blooms in the dye pot to create a vivid yellow color.




Plant: After last frost Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Zinnia elegans

40 seeds/pack   75-90 days

Large and mostly double blooms on long stems will grace your garden all season and attract pollinators and humans alike. Zinnias can be direct seeded or started in trays a few weeks before the last frost and transplanted.


Plant: After last frost

Cosmos bipinnatus

50 seeds/pack    |   60 days 

This heavily flowering plant offers edible blossoms with edges in various shades of fuchsia that softly bleed into a lighter hued center of white to rosy pink. Showy, bushy growth provides habitat for pollinators, and it is a companion plant for corn and more. Beautiful on it’s own and a stunning addition to any flower garden or cut arrangement.


Plant: After last frost

Tagetes patula

40 seeds/pack    |   60 days 

These compact plants produce loads of stunning blossoms from mid summer to the first frost. The fiery orange blooms have red accents and will yield a bright yellow color in the dye pot. Direct seed or start plants a few weeks before the last frost for transplant.




Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Brassica oleraceae

100 seeds/pack   |   60 days

This well maintained selection of lacinato or dinosaur kale is dark green in color with narrow savoyed leaves. With mild flavor this kale is a great addition to your cool season garden and perfect in salads, soups and stir-fry.

Plant: After last frost

Cosmos bipinnatus

40 seeds/pack    |   60 days 

This fun cosmos comes in shades of white to dark pink and truly is reminiscent of cupcake wrappers. These tall plants may require staking but will continue to bloom until the first frost and yield many bouquets while attracting pollinators to the garden.  


Plant: After last frost

Cosmos bipinnatus

40 seeds/pack    |   60 days 

With mostly double blossoms this variety is born upon sturdy upright plants that will yield blossoms all season long. The snow white flowers are versatile in a vase and beautiful in the garden. The more you cut them, the more they bloom!

Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Brassica oleraceae

200 seeds/pack   |   60 days

Scrumptious and tender green leaves with white veins are everything kale should be. With sharp brassica flavor kale is a great choice for salads, soups and snacking straight from the garden. Kale loves cool weather and is best grown during the fall, winter and spring.

Plant: After last frost

Cucurbita moschata

20 seeds/pack |  120 days |  Heirloom

Seminole pumpkin, with bright orange sweet flesh, is actually closely related to a butternut. These hardy plants withstand the heat as well as high humidity and are resistant to downy mildew and vine borers. Fruits are born on long vines that will produce up to the first frost. Young fruits can be eaten as summer squash.

Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Lactuca sativa

200 seeds/pack   |   50-60 days

These miniature heads pack beauty and nutrition into every bite with another great lettuce selection from lettuce breeder Frank Morton of OR. Sow seeds in the shoulder seasons and space 8-12 inches for full size heads or direct sow in shallow trenches for cut and come again salad greens. Pledged to OSSI, the Open Source Seed Initiative. 

Plant: After last frost

Zea mays

50 seeds/pack   |   100-120 days  

This yellow kernel heirloom popcorn heralds from South America and is a workhorse in the garden. Each plant can yield 2-5 ears and exhibits excellent popping qualities with a buttery flavor





    Biennial Plant: After last frost
    Digitalis purpurea
    100 seeds/pack    Biennial
    This stunning biennial is often found in the wild and hails originally from western Europe but is now widely naturalized. Pollinators, including bumble bees and humming birds, love snacking inside the bell shaped flowers. Blooms in second year and will self seed.

    Plant: After last frost

    Reseda luteola

    100 seeds/pack  |  biennial

    Also known as Dyer’s Rocket, this plant is one of the strongest lightfast sources of yellow in the natural dye world. The tiny seeds can be sown in late summer for small overwintering plants or the spring. This biennial will produce flowering stalks in the second year and are the brightest source of dye.