Redwood Seeds Blog

  • Plant Spring Flowers soon!

    Plant Spring Flowers soon!

    I usually like to start flower seedlings in 2 inch cells about 4-5 weeks before I would plant them outside. However, depending on the length of your season you can absolutely wait even longer and still have plenty of blossoming time. Read more »

  • Seed Sale for Manton Parks

    Seed Sale for Manton Parks

    Today I'd love to bend your ear for a few moments about our special little 'town'- Manton, CA. It is more of a community really, though we do have a Mayor, who happened to be my daughter two years ago at the age of 10! With a population of only about 500 we have at least 6 non-profit and community organizations. I'm not sure how that compares per capita to other towns and cities but I think it's a real testament to Manton and the willingness we have to pull together. As you can see, this weekend we are donating 1/2 of... read more »

  • Start Onions From Seed

    Start Onions From Seed

    If you are hoping to grow your own onions this year, now is a good time to start the seeds in pots. Follow this step by step guide how to plant onions from seed! Read more »

  • Two Farm Favorites for 2024!

    Two Farm Favorites for 2024!

      Big Max Pumpkin: If you are interested in entering a giant pumpkin contest this is a good variety to try. We were going for good seed production so isolation distances for purity were our main concern. If you want to grow a big'un, do a quick google search and you'll find plenty of advice from feeding it milk to setting up sun shade to stop sun scald. We've grown these a few times in the past but never managed to harvest enough seed to offer. This year, our local seed grower and friends at Meyerhof Farm grew these for us on... read more »

  • What to Plant and When!

    What to Plant and When!

    What seeds to plant and when?? My general advice is to wait a little longer. It is mid January- cold, dark and wet. Until there is a bit more natural daylight, germination and plant growth will be slow. Unless you have a super light and heat set up in a greenhouse or grow room then you will have an uphill battle caring for seedlings right now. They will essentially be houseplants. We have an unheated greenhouse and I do sometimes start seeds in late January for cabbage, greens and lettuce. They will germinate on their own but a heat mat will speed... read more »