Redwood Seeds Blog

  • Pruning Apple Trees

    Pruning Apple Trees

    There are several reasons to prune your trees including to increase air flow and sunlight to fruiting areas. The increased air flow will protect your trees against disease. Sunlight will better penetrate the canopy of the tree and produce better fruit. Removing excess non fruiting branches also concentrates the tree’s energy into the fruiting wood.  Read more »

  • California Organic Seed Summit- 8th Annual

    California Organic Seed Summit- 8th Annual

    The California Organic Seed Summit is taking place in the San Francisco Bay Area on Feb 3-5, 2023. This will be the 8th annual event and is open to seedy folks: seed keepers, commercial seed growers, seed companies, breeders and others who love seeds and want to get involved. There are options to attend in person and virtually plus some sessions will be recorded. We are meeting at the University of the Redlands in San Anselmo, CA and there is onsite lodging included with the registration cost on a sliding scale starting at $75. Homecooked meals are also provided with registration. In the past,... read more »

  • Returning for 2023: Red Noodle Bean and Danver's Carrots

    Returning for 2023: Red Noodle Bean and Danver's Carrots

    Today I'm excited to talk about two varieties that we have back in stock this year. Both varieties were grown by my friends and upcoming seed growers at Meyerhof Farm here in our little town of Manton. They are in their third year of seed growing for us and really nailed it this year! Read more »

  • Tips for Insulating your Winter Garden + Seed Sale!

    Tips for Insulating your Winter Garden + Seed Sale!

    How is your garden handling the cold? At this time of year, through January, growth in the garden slows as daylight wanes. There two main things you can do to prolong your harvest and even overwinter your plants into the spring. Read more »

  • Garlic Planting 101

    Garlic Planting 101

    Garlic is fall planted, mulched and left alone for months to grow, weeded a bit in spring then harvested in early summer. While it does take quite a long time to mature, garlic is not very fussy and will produce even in poor soils under drought conditions. Read more »